6 Abandoned Places In Arkansas That Might Give You The Creeps

Nothing compares to these abandoned places in Arkansas.

#6 Abandoned Mining Town

In the 1880s, zinc ore was discovered on Rush Creek and a town sprung up.  During World War II, some of the processing mills were dismantled for salvage.

#6 Abandoned Mining Town

It is said that the last remaining residents left in the 1960s.  Today, Rush Arkansas stands as a ghost town.

#5 Booger Hollow

North of Dover, Arkansas is the abandoned tourist attraction of Booger Hollow.

#5 Booger Hollow

Originally, the site consisted of a trading post, post office and a restaurant. It was one big tourist trap. Today, it's closed and abandoned.

#4 A Ghost Town

East Calico Rock ghost town is unique because it’s the only ghost town in America that is within the city limits of another town.

#3 Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium

Now, this one gives me the creeps. The Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium was established in 1909 near Booneville, AR.

#3 Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium

Although not completely abandoned parts of this facility haven’t been used since it’s closing. The main building’s first floor is used currently. The other floors are vacant.

#2 Dinosaur World

Dinosaur World is a truly unique abandoned place in Arkansas. Where else can you find giant dinosaurs, a 40 ft. tall statue of King Kong and cave men abandoned in the woods?

#1 Ozark Medieval Fortress

The idea was to build an accurate replica of a 13th-century French castle. However, after 3 short years, the project closed indefinitely and the site is now abandoned.

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Have you ever heard of Mauney's House? I didn't think so. This is an abandoned place in Arkansas that holds diamond-size secrets.