Arkansas has many funny town names that have very unique origins. Places like Toad Suck, Possum Grape and Stinking Bay always cause people to pause and laugh.
As an Arkansan, these names aren’t new to me. In fact, I have been to many of these places but, for out-of-towners, passing through a place like Weiner for the first time, always causes them to stop and take a photo.
Funny Arkansas Town Names
These are ten of the funniest town names in Arkansas.
1. Toad Suck
Way back in 2012, Toad Suck was labeled as having the “most unfortunate town name” by Yahoo (source). I can think of a few others that might be worse. Perhaps that’s because I grew up going to the Toad Suck Daze festival there and the name never seemed odd to me.
According to the town, “Long ago, steamboats traveled the Arkansas River. When the water was too shallow, the captains and their crews tied up to wait where the Toad Suck Lock and Dam now span the river. They refreshed themselves at the local tavern.
Neighbor folks said, “They sucked on the bottle ’til they swelled up like toads.”
Hence, the name Toad Suck.” –source
Speaking of Toad Suck, this town has one of the BEST campgrounds near Central Arkansas.
2. Bald Knob
Bald Knob is a great little small town in White County, Arkansas.
“Located at the intersection of two of the state’s natural regions, Bald Knob is often promoted as “where the Ozarks meet the Delta”. -source
It has been said that the town was named for a prominent, treeless area on a ridge of layered rock that helped early pioneers navigate their journies. This treeless area was nearly one acre in size.
“A local legend claims that Hernando De Soto discovered, then referred to, the large rock as “bald knob” while exploring the Mississippi River Valley in 1541.” -source
Today, Bald Knob and the surrounding area are known as the “Strawberry Center of the World.”
You’ll find excellent Arkansas strawberry farms here!
3. Cotton Plant
Cotton Plant is less of a funny name and more of a straight forward name. The town was named for the profitable plant grown in and around the town. Sounds good to me!
“Cotton Plant is located in Woodruff County approximately 15 miles north of Brinkley in the Arkansas Delta region.” -source

4. Weiner
Weiner is a small town in northeast Arkansas. This town is also the home of the Arkansas Rice Festival. I remember traveling through Weiner many times as a young child when we were on our way to see family in that area.
According to the city’s website, the town was originally known as West Prairie because it was prairie land surrounded by forest. –source
In 1881, the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad came through and a depot station was built in the town. The station was named Weiner after a St. Louis railroad official.
5. Possum Grape
Ok, I think Possum Grape is a little funnier than Toad Suck. This community most likely got its name from the wild grape called the possum grape which grows there.

However, “A few locals say Possum Grape was named in 1954 following a disagreement on whether to call it “Possum” or “Grape.” A compromise was supposedly worked out, and the two names were combined.” -source
6. Nimrod
The town name of Nimrod has a very interesting history. It is said that Nimrod Lake was named after the great grandson of Noah from the Bible.

“Nimrod was a mighty hunter, and the lake was named after him because of the wildlife that surrounds the lake.” -source
7. Stinking Bay
Well, Stinking Bay sounds like a place that might need some air freshener. Stinking Bay isn’t an official town but, instead, is an unincorporated community in Arkansas County.
I’ll be honest, I have no idea where Stinking Bay got it’s name but it’s definitely a place I think about when “weird Arkansas town names” come to mind!
While you’re traveling around this great state, don’t forget to check a few things off your EPIC Arkansas Bucket List!
8. Hogeye
Hogeye is an unincorporated community in Washington County near Fayetteville, Arkansas. “Hogeye was said to be “no bigger than a hog’s eye”, hence the name.” -source
Near Hogeye, you will find some of the best campgrounds in Northwest Arkansas. Don’t miss them!
9. Booger Hollow
When I think of Booger Hollow, I think of…well…boogers. You know, those things in your nose. But, as it turns out, I’m thinking of the wrong kind of boogers.
The word “Booger” comes from an old Welsh word which meant “to scare.” So, the word “Booger” is meant to imply something scary or unknown.
To break this name down further, a hollow is a narrow valley between hills or mountains.
So, at one time, Booger Hollow was perhaps thought to be a scary place.

“Such was the case in the early 1800s when the road from Harrison, Arkansas ran through the Bull Frog Valley to the site of where the geographic site of Booger Hollow stands today. On either side of the hollow were two cemeteries, leading the locals to believe the area might be haunted by those long dead. The name stuck and has forever since been known as “Booger Hollow.” -source
10. Flippin
Known for some of the best fishing in Arkansas, Flippin Arkansas is a great place live. In fact, I have several friends who live there and love it.
Originally called Flippen Barrens, the town was named after Thomas J. Flippin who brought his family from Kentucky to find new land in Arkansas and because the area had very few trees.
“Barrens” was dropped in 1904 after the railroad came through and, since then, the town has just been called Flippin. –source
Don’t miss: Rooster Poot, Arkansas – Is it real?
Funny Arkansas Town Names
Anytime you want to learn about funny or unique town names, Arkansas will always have you covered. There are plenty of weird Arkansas town names that will keep us guessing on their origins for years to come.
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